Saturday, April 14, 2012



Dancin' With The Devil Book Five

Astra Q Phelps gave her boyfriend a magic hickey. Usually not a world-changing issue. But in Astra's case, her boyfriend is king of the Royal Devils. And Royals have always thought that only males could mark their mates. So how did she do it? Even Astra doesn't know. That's the first of her problems.

Now somebody's trying to kill the naturally curious Astra, which is always a problem.

Thirdly, there's Slayer. He's shown up on Astra's turf and wants her to hire him. Given their undeniable sexual chemistry, that's probably not going to go over well with her boyfriend. Not to mention that he's got some baggage that's gonna come back to bite Astra big time.

Add in the nearly constant sexual need caused by her Settling and you have a whole lot of stuff for Astra Q Phelps to handle. But, as you probably know by now, she's definitely up to the challenge.


By reading any further, you are stating that you are at least 18 years of age. If you are under the age of 18, it is necessary to exit this site.


Copyright © SAM CHEEVER, 2012

All Rights Reserved, Ellora's Cave Publishing, Inc.


The Devil you want may stoke your fire, and set your loins ablaze.

The Devil you want could love inspire, or lives and continents raze.

My name is Astra Q. Phelps. Don’t ask me what the Q stands for because that little piece of info will go with me to the crematorium. I’ve had all printed documentation of the name destroyed and, though a lot of my enemies have tried to dig it out, no one will ever know what it stands for. A girl has to have some secrets. Especially when the truth would cause her some serious embarrassment.

I run a business called the Angel Network, which is the only devil- and demon-locating and -destroying business in the universe. In other words, I kick serious evil butt for a living. I am a Tweener. What exactly is a Tweener you ask? A Tweener is a non-human. We have neither wings nor horns, but generally have both angel and devil in our family forests. Which is probably why we enjoy a higher sensitivity to spectral influence than regular human people.

Recently, the Celestial Army has been keeping me pretty busy saving the world. Over and over and over and…well, you get what I’m saying. The human world just has trouble staying saved.

It’s been a busy and confusing time. But it’s about to get much worse.

My twenty-fifth birthday is just a few months away.

The thing about that twenty-fifth birthday is…well…for Tweeners it’s kind of make-or-break time. It’s called our Settling and it’s the culmination of our growth period. The time when we become what we will be in life. It’s also the time when the dark side of our nature has the greatest pull.

It is on our twenty-fifth birthday that we decide which way we’re gonna go. Good or bad. Black or white. Gray usually isn’t an option. And outside influences have a lot to do with the outcome. In my case, my influence pool is decidedly murky, given the fact that I hang out a lot with devils.

Lately, my life has taken a turn toward the complex. Dialle, King of the Royal Devils on Earth and my steady boyfriend, is really mad at me because I marked him with a Daemon hickey.

I guess females aren’t supposed to be able to mark males.

How would I know that? Nobody told me that little piece of devil trivia, thank you very much. And apparently it isn’t true anyway…since I did manage to put that cute little power mark on his sexy throat.

But now he’s all embarrassed and mad and threatened in a male way, and I’m dancing the romance two-step trying to win back his love.


To make things even more complex, somebody’s trying really hard to kill me. And they’re doing a bang up job of it too. Staying alive is becoming increasingly difficult.

And my longtime friend and partner Emo is in celestial anger management, dealing with his own Settling.

Forget doing my job slaying demons.

The one place I can go for help isn’t really a good option at all, since the helpful and sexy Slayer represents mucho temptation to me and my stupid Settling.

Any minute now my slut-monkey side might just take him up on one of those offers he likes to present during a moment of weakness.

My weakness…not his.

So anyway, those are the high points of my life at the moment.

Ugly, huh?

What? Oh, you wanted the dirty details? Well, all right, it’s your brain cells that are at risk. Not mine.

Here we go…


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