Sunday, March 17, 2013

A BOON BY MOONLIGHT by Nicola Cameron

A BOON BY MOONLIGHT by Nicola Cameron

Ex-Marine Zach Mayhew is willing to do anything for his dying grandmother. When she asks him to find a fairy ring in the forest and beg that she be allowed to spend her last days in Faerie, he obliges her (even though he thinks it's nuts).

But when a gorgeous Sidhe noble steps out of the ring and asks for a night in his bed in return, Zach learns that history has a way of repeating itself, and a boon asked by moonlight can have unexpected consequences for his heart.



Growling under his breath, Zach went back upstairs and yanked his bedroom door open. "Oh."

Jerrek was already in bed. His outfit had been neatly folded over the old straight back chair in the corner, and the sidhe himself was nude and stretched out over Zach's faded blue bedcover. His long, shining brown hair filmed his body just as Zach imagined, revealing tantalizing glimpses of corded arms, a firm chest, and a set of abs that looked like cobblestones. Zach's gaze continued down, falling on the long, slim cock that was already starting to harden, laying in a graceful curve over one muscled thigh.

The sidhe propped his head up on one hand. "It took you long enough. I was starting to worry that you'd forgotten me," he commented with a smirk.

"Just -- just wanted to get Gram to bed," Zach managed. "Make sure she was asleep."

"And is she?"


Jerrek reached out to him. "Well, then. Come to me."

Wondering if he was in a dream, Zach stepped forward and took the proffered hand. Suddenly he found himself pulled over the sidhe like a human-shaped blanket. "Since you prefer to top and all,"
Jerrek purred.

Zach could feel the heat rising from the other man's body, warming him through. Jerrek's smirk shifted, turning into a smile. It was both challenge and invitation, and Zach lowered his head until he could just brush his lips across that curved mouth. A tingling jolt went through him, dancing across his nerve endings and grounding out in his groin.

He gasped and Jerrek took advantage of that, kissing him back and running the tip of his tongue around Zach's lips. The kiss softened, deepened, until their tongues were dueling slickly against each other.

With a soft growl, Jerrek pulled back, sucking in a breath as he did. "You're wearing entirely too many clothes," he said, rubbing his naked groin against Zach's still clothed one. "Take them off at once."

Zach couldn't help grinning at the order. "Are you always this bossy?"

"I prefer to think of it as authoritative. What part of 'sidhe lord' didn't you grasp?"

"Well, now that you mention it—" Zach slid a hand between their bodies, curling his fingers around the other man's shaft and squeezing gently. Jerrek's mouth opened in a soft groan and he squirmed, bucking into Zach's grip.

"I've never had anyone talk back to me the way you do," he breathed. "It's really very refreshing."

Zach grunted at that, focusing on what was in his hand. Skin so soft it almost didn't register against his fingertips, and beneath that hardness and a heat that pulsed against his palm. He stroked up, letting his thumb brush across the tip, and felt a bead of wetness there. "I think you like it," he murmured. "You need someone who isn't going to stand still for your shit."

"I would hardly call it—" Jerrek's complaint was cut off as Zach kissed him again, luring his tongue out and sucking on it. Jerrek moaned into his mouth, then again as he pulled away, laying a trail of open-mouthed kisses along the sidhe's jaw and down his neck. "Oh, that's nice. Don't stop."


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