Saturday, November 6, 2010

REVEALING THORN by Chrismas Knight

REVEALING THORN by Charisma Knight

Demon slayer Thorn Magnusson is paid a visit by Wolfe McCoy, leader of Bad Boys Inc, and coerced into accepting an assignment that will clear his record, for good. His mission is to protect sassy witch, Lena Hendrix from Dirik, a descendant of Grendel.

From the moment he laid eyes on her, Lena invoked feelings deep within Thorn he couldn't understand, or ignore. Their bond strengthens every moment they are together, and eventually he lowers his defenses, while continuing to harbor his dark secret. Who will protect Thorn's heart from the sensual vixen once she discovers his true identity?



Lena had just sat down to enjoy a slice of sweet potato pie and a cup of coffee after working the entire day. The diner was deserted, thankfully, and now she had some time to herself. Soon, she’d be closing up and going home. She cursed when she heard the bell to the door, and her mouth dropped open when she saw him. Her instincts had been correct. Her heart fluttered. It was Thorn Magnusson, badass of Cecil High. His presence was overwhelming, and she knew he approached before she laid eyes on him.

She’d crushed on him secretly back then. However, she’d worried what her peers would think of her had she dated him. When he asked her out, she was astonished, but when Myra Jenkins and Betty Hau approached, she’d rejected him just to appease them. What a damn fool she had been!

He must be about six-foot-five. She marveled at his physique and the way he strolled into the diner with brazen confidence. Fire shot through her insides as he glanced in her direction and headed toward a booth nestled in the corner. The magnifying aura around him told her he was not from these parts. His face was stern, his jaw tight, and squared. The telltale signs of age were politely chiseled into his handsome features.

His long, blond hair was pulled back neatly into a ponytail. She shivered as she imagined running her fingers through the silken strands. He hadn’t changed. It all came back to her now. Folks in school stayed far away from him, and for good reason. There was something dangerous about him, something magnetizing, and it drew her near.

Her heart lurched when he sat down, capturing her in his gaze. There was a hint of mischief in those sparkling blue eyes of his. Heat rose to her cheeks, and she averted her eyes straight ahead, not wanting him to see she was ogling him, but it was too late. Heart damn near beating through her chest, she glanced over again. He was still watching her like a hawk. Moisture seeped between her thighs as he continued staring at her. Looking down at the slice of pie, she exhaled, knowing she’d have to take his order.

Blessed with the power to read thoughts, she stole a peek into his mind and was surprised to discover that she shocked and captivated him all in one sitting. She shuddered as he grinned when she slowly rose to her feet, making her way to his side of the diner. Hell, she sure hoped she wouldn’t trip over her own feet. He had that effect on her.

“Hola, stranger!” She noticed his uneasiness when she approached him. She had to be in control of her emotions, had to act like he was just an old friend.

“In the flesh!” he exclaimed with a grin that sent her heart fluttering and her body on fire. It intrigued her to discover he still carried a torch for her.

“What can I get you tonight?” She sure as hell hoped a single cup of coffee would do so she could end her day.

“You, spread out underneath me.”

Hell no, he did not just say that! she thought to herself as anger flickered deep inside her.

“God, she’s so beautiful.”

“What did you say, you ass?” Her chest tightened. She’d open a can of whoop ass on him if he wasn’t careful.

“Uh oh,” she heard him say to himself as he tightened his fist. “I didn’t say anything.” “Oh shit!” She heard him say again.

“Oh shit is right!” She was ready to bust him out, but didn’t want to let on she could read his mind.


She watched him closely as he cleared his throat. “Look, if this is some kind of joke or something, you can—”

He held his hands up. “Relax, I just need to talk to you.”

“Get the hell away from me. I’ll have you thrown out of here.”

“Do you plan to throw me out on your own?”

“If it comes down to it.”

His chuckling pissed her off. The thought of slapping the taste buds out of his mouth crossed her mind, but she’d be civil, for now.

“You’re in danger, and not from me!”

Before the man could say anything else, a horrid stench infiltrated her nostrils. The thick aura clung to her like a snug-fitting glove. Something she did not want to happen was about to occur.

She backed up, shaking her head. She felt their connection, and it scared the living shit out of her. “Leave me alone or I’ll scratch your damn eyes out! I swear it.”

“I’ve got to get you out of here!” He rose and took her by the arm, but it was already too late. The ground trembled beneath them, and a hideous form in black appeared before their eyes. The pale creature with black eyes peered at the inhabitants of the diner who ran out the side door screaming for their lives.


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