Monday, August 1, 2011

SKYE'S THE LIMIT by Kianna Alexander

SKYE'S THE LIMIT by Kianna Alexander

One woman's deepest, darkest secret is keeping her from living the life she desires.

Skye Lynne Holdron used to be an outgoing, bubbly,ambitious person, until one fateful night in 1989 changed her from the inside out.

Fifteen years later, she still suffers from nightmares and anxiety attacks. In order for Skye to find her way back to herself, she must first deal with the suppressed memories that plague her.

But when the threats begin, she fears that her efforts, and perhaps her life, may be cut short.



Soon, she parked in a space at Bellini and dashed inside. She spotted Cammie by the coral, knee length dress and coordinating print scarf she wore. Skye joined her friend at the bar, where she was waiting, sipping a mimosa.

"Is it happy hour already?" Skye said, as she sat down on the stool next to Cammie.

"Always." Cammie giggled. "Why are you so late?"

"Ten minutes. Senator York was quite a chatterbox. But she's a delightful woman, and I love her political platform. Did you order for me?"

"You know I did. Minestrone and a salad. I'm having the same."

"Watching your figure, huh? Are you thinking you might have to get into a certain white dress sometime soon?" Skye leaned toward her.

Cammie smiled knowingly. "It's just a matter of time."

Their waiter put the soup and salad in front of them. They talked for a little while about Skye's plans for the Senator's room as they ate. Then, Skye put down her fork and turned to Cammie with a serious look on her face.
"Did you say the person who's coming to replace Terri tomorrow is named Jason Pope?"

"You got the last name right. But his first name's Justin." Cammie raised an eyebrow. "What, do you think he's related to that crazy guy from Duke?"

For a moment, Skye shivered inwardly, but tried not to appear nervous. She didn't want to alarm her friend. "Probably not; I know Pope is a common last name. Just out of curiosity," she lowered her voice, "do you still keep that Louisville Slugger bat in your trunk?"

"Hell yeah," Cammie assured her. "And I still swing away when I have to, girl."

After lunch, Cammie and Skye went to pick up some fabric and wallpaper they needed for the Senator's remodel. They entered their office building around three o'clock, chatting and laughing as they rode the elevator to the fifth floor.

"I hope Terri isn't going to make a habit of missing work. She needs this internship with us; it's a requirement for her degree." Skye fished around in her purse for the keys as they stepped off the elevator.

"I know. I hope that's motivation enough for her." Cammie smiled. "She seems really focused on her academics…hey, what's that?" Cammie pointed to the office door as they approached. "There's something taped to the door."

"Well, it better not be an eviction notice," Skye joked. "The lease is paid up for three months, and I'm not about to…"

Skye stopped dead in front of the door to Boca Interior Associates. Her keys and purse suddenly slipped from her grasp. Her breath grew rapid and labored, panic rising in her chest as she realized what was there.

"Oh my God, Skye," Cammie said urgently, as she read the tattered paper. "I'm calling security right now."

Skye was frozen in place, shaking and struggling to breathe, as Cammie grabbed her cell phone and called security. She just couldn't bring herself to open the door. Not with the omen that was stuck so haphazardly to the frosted glass.

It was a faded, worn flyer, advertising the 1989 Omega Psi Phi Rollout Party at North Carolina Central University. The word 'remember' was scribbled across it in angry red letters.

As two uniformed security guards rushed toward the office, Skye fell to the taupe carpeted floor with a heavy thud.


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